Appalachian Translational Research Network

ATRN 2024 Annual Health Summit

Navigating the Changing Health Landscape in Appalachia

Questions can be directed to




Conference Dates and Location

Monday, September 30– Tuesday, October 1, 2024, Abingdon, Virginia

Abstract Submission Deadline: EXTENDED TO Monday, August 5, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
Applicants will be notified of their poster and/or oral presentation acceptance by Monday, August 12, 2024.

  • Please ensure that the email provided for the presenting author is accurate as all correspondence will be sent via email to the presenting author.
  • There is no cost to submit an abstract, but submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to register to attend the ATRN Summit and present if accepted.

General Guidelines for Abstract Submission
The ATRN is most interested in research, programs, and community efforts that focus on priority health topics that impact Appalachian communities. Abstracts may include basic laboratory research, clinical and translational research, community-engaged research, epidemiological and/or population studies, dissemination and implementation practices, outcomes research, health services research, evidence-based programs, program evaluations, or best practices in community organizations or clinical settings.

Major Topic Areas:

  • Behavioral Science and Health Behaviors (Substance Use, Nutrition, Exercise, Smoking, etc.)
  • Clinical and Translational Research
  • Clinical Conditions/Diseases (Cancer, Mental Health, Diabetes, etc.)
  • Data Access for Community Decision Making
  • Disease Prevention and Treatment (Drug Development, Mental Health, Pain Management, etc.)
  • Dissemination and Implementation Science
  • Environmental Health
  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Health Equity and Engaging Marginalized Communities
  • Health Literacy, Health Misinformation, Health Communication, Trust in Science
  • Health Related Policy Implementation and Enforcement
  • Impact of Bidirectional Learning Between Communities and Their Academic Partners
  • Impact of Consolidated/Closed Health Organizations in Appalachia
  • Program Development and Evaluation
  • Training, Education, and Workforce Development
  • Translational Health, Informatics, Telemedicine, and Data-Driven Technologies

Who May Submit?
The call for abstracts is open to:

  • Faculty, research personnel, trainees/scholars, and administrators.
  • Community organizations, government agencies, private foundations, community members, student interns.
  • University students (undergraduate, graduate, pre/postdoctoral) and organization interns. (All student submissions accepted for poster presentations will be assigned a faculty or community organization mentor who will review and provide feedback on the presentation.)

NOTE: No individual should be first author on more than one abstract.

Formatting & Submitting your Abstract

All abstracts will be submitted online at:

Abstracts are limited to 300 words from Introduction to Conclusion. Please use Arial font, 11 point. No diagrams, illustrations or other graphic objects should be included. Do not include any footnotes or listed references.

Abstracts should be structured as follows:

Original Research should include the following components:

Title: Briefly indicate the nature of the investigation. (This is NOT included in the abstract word count)

Introduction: Briefly, provide background information that supports the need for the study.

Purpose statement: Describe the purpose, objectives, research question, and/or study hypothesis.

Methods: Highlight the study design, sample, procedures, measures, and analysis.  Please note that the study can use qualitative or quantitative methods.

Results: Report the study or project findings or products. (Research in progress should note "research in progress" and can report progress to-date.)

Conclusions: Describe the overall impact of findings.  (Research in progress should note "research in progress" and can report expected impact of the study.)

Evidence-Based Projects and Program Reports should include the following components:

Title: Indicate the nature of the program. (This is NOT included in the abstract word count)

Introduction: Briefly, provide background information that supports the need for the program.
Purpose statement: Describe the program purpose, objectives, or goal(s).

Methods: Discuss the design of the program and critical components. If evaluation data were collected, describe what data were collected for evaluation purposes.

Results: Describe findings and/or lessons learned from the project. (Program recently initiated can note " in progress" and report progress to-date or lessons learned to-date.)

Conclusions: Describe the overall impact of the program and recommendations related to impact.  (Programs recently implemented can note " in progress" and report expected impact of the program.)

Research Descriptions and Literature Reviews are also welcome from students and trainees.

As part of the online submission process, the submitting author will be asked (1) to identify all authors and affiliations and (2) to indicate presentation preference (oral/podium, poster, or either).

Please include at least 1 learning objective with your abstract submission. A guide for developing appropriate learning objectives is provided below.

Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives

  • Write the learning objective that relates to the outcome you expect someone who is attending your presentation will be able to demonstrate and that reflects the content of the session.
  • Objectives should:
    • include a description of the behavior of the learner, be stated clearly,
    • define or describe an action, and be measurable, in terms of time, space, amount, and/or frequency.

When writing your objective, please select an action word from one of the three levels of objectives below. Avoid words like understand, learn, and know. They are not measurable because there is no specific outcome involved.

  • Level one objectives are related to cognitive processes of remembering and explaining and therefore focuses on knowledge and comprehension.
    • Uses words like locate, define, recognized, choose, select, explain, outline, discuss, summarize.
  • Level two objectives are related to application and analysis of information and focuses on the ability to interpret information that is presented.
    • Uses words like generalize, prepare, predict, categorize, compare, analyze, appraise, differentiate.
  • Level three objectives are related to synthesis and evaluation with a focus on problem solving.
    • Uses words like assemble, compile, critique, propose, formulate, recommend, resolve, synthesize, validate.

Summary for Community Members

  • We ask that you provide a brief “Lay Summary” using plain language.
  • The language should be at an 8th grade reading level and exclude highly technical terminology and descriptions.
  • Please limit your summary to 4-7 sentences or bullet points.

Example points to address:

  • Key questions(s)
  • Key finding(s)
  • Why is this important?
  • Why should the community care about this?

For more information on plain language, visit the “National Institutes of Health: Plain Language” site by clicking on the link here: Plain Language: Getting Started or Brushing Up | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Based on your on-line submission, your abstract will be evaluated, compiled, and electronically distributed to conference attendees and mentors.

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Pittsburgh, PA 15228

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