Addressing the significant health challenges and disparities specific to Appalachia.

atrn 2021 virtual health summit Agenda

Click here to download the printable agenda
*Agenda is subject to change.

Continuing Education Credits 
This educational summit will offer a potential of 9.75 hours for the full ATRN Virtual Health Summit. Attendees will need to complete an evaluation following the conference to receive the credits. More information will be sent to attendees in the next few weeks. Please contact if you have any questions. 


9:00 - 9:30 AM

10:00 - 11:00 AM

Poster Visits & Networking in the Lounge

Opening Keynote - Contemporary Issues in Rural Health Status, Practice, and Policy

Ty Borders, PhD, Professor, College of Nursing
University of Kentucky

11:00 - 11:15 AM

11:15 - 12:00 PM

12:00 - 12:15 PM

12:15 - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 2:00 PM

1:00 - 2:00 PM

2:00 PM


Bio-Informatics Applications in Large Scale Clinical Research- A Case Study Using the NIH National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

Wes Kimble, MPA, West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute 
Brian Hendricks, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, West Virginia University 

ATRN Update

Melissa Thomas, PhD, MSPH, MSA, MCHES, C-CHW Assistant Professor, Department of Primary Care
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Lunch, Poster Visits & Networking

Concurrent Breakout Session 1: Behavioral Health

Comparative Psychological and Academic Implications of Online Learning between Collegiate Calendar
Sunderland Baker, 
Colorado College Department of Education

Association of Food Insecurity with Parent and Child Mental Health
Gabriella Dean, Wake Forest School of Medicine 

A Negative Binomial Regression Model in for Assessing Gender Differences in Marijuana use in West Virginia: Findings from the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data
Kesheng Wang, PhD, Associate Professor, West Virginia University 
Yongke Lu, PhD, 
Assistant Professor, Marshall University
Suzy Walter, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, CNRN, Associate Professor, West Virginia University

Disorder Eating and Food Insecurity in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
James Lewis, MD, 
Professor of Pediatrics, Board Certified in Pediatrics & Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics

Concurrent Breakout Session 2: Community

Systematic Interactions Between Individuals and Drinking Water Quality in Appalachia
Daniel Ma, 
MS, BSc, The Ohio State University

Lack of Trust Appears to Drive Racial Difference in COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence
Rob Lennon, MD, JD, FAAFP, Penn State College of Medicine
Lauren Van Scoy, MD, Penn State College of Medicine

Tumor Suppressor Role Of The Caveolar α1-Na/K-ATPase Signalosome In Nash Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
Utibe Udoh, PhD, Marshall University School of Medicine
radeep Rajan, PhD, Marshall University School of Medicine

Community Level Differences in Gestational Age and Gross Motor Function for Children with
Cerebral Palsy

Jill Heathcock, PT, PhD, The Ohio State University
Rachel Bican, PT, DPT, PhD, Ohio University
Garey Noritz, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital

Poster Visits & Networking

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